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Do we need new labels or tags to help verify users? Suggest them below.
Suggest labels or tags
What label or tag are you suggesting?
Like "Journalist" or "Government"
Is there an emoji or keyboard-friendly symbol that you think represents this tag or label? Please enter it below.
If you're not on your phone,
you can use this link.
What group would this label describe or signify? Please explain the potential group in a few sentences.
Is the group Canadian journalists or soccer players from the Japan national team?
How would Trust Collective verify that people belong to this group?
Is there an online directory, or a common email address? Is there an ID card?
Who can we contact if we have any questions? Please provide a Bluesky handle that we can chat with.
Using your Bluesky handle is best.
You can also provide an email for us to contact, if you'd like.
We'll never share your email with anyone else.